pHse7en Financial Planning

Working with you...for You

Your Life Plan belongs to You. 
Let your finances take you there.

Our Highest Standards for your Best Experience

The most important element within any Financial Plan is the client...You. Discovering what matters to you, what inspires you and what your most 'essential goals' are in 'life' is at the centre of our conversations. Only by doing this can we then start to formulate a financial plan to help deliver on these goals.

That may sound rather elementary but few of us consciously or even spontaneously undertake inquiry into our deepest and most enduring values and objectives. 

Traditionally financial advisers have been 'trained' even 'targeted' to focus on the negatives as well as the numbers - asking questions like:

"What would you do if you didn't have enough money?"

"What would you be prepared to give up?"

"How would you survive?"

.....and then zoning in on 'budgeting', 'funds under management', 'poor investment returns', 'taxation' or a need for more 'protection', yet all too often without any thought as to whether that is actually important to you. 

Rarely are questions asked like: 

"If you had more time or money, what would you do?"

"How would that change things for you?" 

"What do you want to accomplish or attain so you will feel that you've had a life well-lived?" 

"Do you and your partner know what each other's life goals are....what makes you happy?"

 "What moves, touches and inspires you the most?"

By discussing these meaningful areas and more, we start the journey to creating a Life Plan.....'Your Life Plan' and looking at the many solutions that are available to achieve it. 

Let our 'Experience' help deliver you future 'Experiences'.

Viewing Your Future

Working together with your 'Life Planning' Expert

Most of us probably think about the things we'd like to do in our lives in terms of the money required to make them happen. "This holiday costs £x"..."That dream holiday home costs £y" and for the most part we are too often setting aside the day to day life we want to lead as a means to accumulate the money necessary to get the things we want but much later in life....but how do we change this 'treadmill' of life? 

Well, Life Planning can help turn this around.

Life is not all about how much wealth you can build up...ask any young person and their dreams are never about just owning a diversified investment portfolio for future use, but about living a meaningful life now, and yet a diversified investment portfolio makes possible the things we want to do with our lives....but just what are those things?

Life Planning is simply the process of discovering the full and meaningful life we long to live and then making it happen, no matter at what point we start. 

Money is simply an 'enabler' to do the things we want to do, and to help us be the person we want to be.

So, we need to discuss and create Life Goals/Plans in order to then create financial goals, and not the other way around. 

It's about making a start by 'Viewing Your Future'.

Call Paul on 07983 486063 or email him directly at, to arrange an initial meeting, at our cost, to 'view' your future.


pHse7en Financial Planning is a trading style of Eadon & Co Ltd which is Authorised and Regulated 

by the Financial Conduct Authority FCA. Number 816029