Retirement Planning

Of all the areas discussed during the Financial Planning process, Retirement Planning will usually involve the most time...why? 

Because it has the most impact on the Life is also the one area that surprisingly can provide the most excitement.

Pensions are often looked upon as something to be considered in the 'far distance', years away and even perceived as something related to 'old age', but it is arguably one of 'THE' most important aspects of any good Life Plan, and the sooner pensions are part of people's financial priorities, the more realistic early retirement freedom can happen.

Without doubt the most overlooked ally of any pension planning is TIME. It's everyone's biggest friend, but too often it is ignored and pushed to one side and only when in the middle-years do people realise the benefit it could have had...that unfortunately is the point where the 'Cost of Delay' makes its unwelcome appearance and introduces the reality of what someone may now have to 'pay' to achieve their retirement goals.

I know all of this sounds very 'preachy' BUT this is sadly the same story I have experienced hundreds of times with clients over the last 30 years, and yet it was so easy to address when they were younger...but thankfully all is not lost.  

Thorough a combination of:

- maximising the benefits of the taxation system

- exploring past pension plans (including finding lost ones for some people)

- consolidation and reducing charges

- analaysing the true value of the State Pension

a much clearer path to have the freedom to have choices around taking an early retirement starts to emerge...but it all starts with that initial 'Meaningful Conversation'.

Telephone us direct on 07983 486063 or email us at


Investment Planning

In its simplest form, Investment Planning is the process of matching your financial goals and objectives with your financial resources and is a core component of any financial 'life planning'.

There are so many different investment 'vehicles' available to meet clients' needs and objectives, but like anything else, they need to be initially assessed, in order to find the most suitable ones, and then constantly reviewed to see if they remain fit for purpose.

The investment 'vehicles' themselves constantly change, due to various factors like taxation, legislation, costs and structure, but the most important aspect of any investment planning is how it fits into your 'life plan', in other words is it going to help you achieve what you want to achieve and provide the options and freedoms you seek. 

At pHse7en Financial Planning, we are constantly looking at and reviewing the investment landscape to help our clients fulfill their 'life plans' with appropriate investment solutions. 

Telephone us direct on 07983 486063 or email us at

Protection Planning

Protecting oneself and your loved ones should be at the heart of any financial planning conversation. 

It is essential that planning for unseen events like death, severe illness or even loss of income from redundancy or an accident is prioritised, especially as the effects of having no protection can be catastrophic. It may come as a surprise but more people feel insuring their TV, mobile phone or holiday than they do themselves, and yet imagine losing just one income for 12 months, let alone a lifetime for a young family with children.

Here are just a few of the more common protection policies our clients have used:

Critical Illness Insurance (CIC)

Private Medical Insurance (PMI)

Permanent Health Insurance (PHI)

Income Protection Insurance

Term Assurance (level or decreasing)

Whole of Life (WoL)

Telephone us direct on 07983 486063 or email us at

Pension Review

What is a 'Pension Review?'

A 'Pension Review' is exactly that, you the client, reviewing and understanding your pension plan(s) by working with a straight-talking, experienced adviser without the typical confusing jargon.

Our service is simple and allows you to take complete control and clarity over your pension provisions and more importantly, your retirement plans.

Whether you are over-paying on hidden costs or your money is invested in a fund which is not suitable, our Pension Review Service will do the leg work with no obligation and no upfront fees.

Think of us as a MOT service for your pension(s) after all, you wouldn’t drive your car if you thought there was there something wrong with the brakes, would you? The truth is millions of people have pension plans that could be doing a lot better.

Ask yourself these 6 simple questions:

1) Have you reviewed your pension in the last 5 years?

2) Do you know how much you are paying to your providers?

3) If you have stopped paying into your pension/s did you know your money is still invested and you are still paying fees to your provider?

4) Can you name the fund/s that your money is invested in with your pension provider?

5) Do you know all your options now and at retirement?

6) Have you built up many small pension 'pots' through the years and know precisely what they are doing, and who is looking after them?

If you answer no to just one of these questions, then it’s time to get cracking and ask for your 'Pension Review' for help, clarity and advice.

Telephone us direct on 07983 486063 or email us at


Sustainable Investing / ESG

Climate change and other environmental issues are constantly making the news these days, and if this concerns you, why not talk to us to ensure that your investments are in arrangements that can make a positive impact.....Do Good and Avoid Harm.

Increasingly, one of the more common statements we hear from our clients is..."I am becoming more interested in where my money is invested as I want it to help make a better world for my children and their children".


Does sustainable / impact impact investing matter for investors? 

Simply answered, sustainability matters for all investors. Whether you are primarily focused on financial returns or seeking to drive sustainable outcomes, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations can highlight recognizable risks and present new investment opportunities. 

In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, and as we face a more uncertain future than at any time in recent history, businesses, governments and their stakeholders all acknowledge the interdependence of capital markets, economies, environmental constraints, social trends, and human behaviour. The latter three issues now have an increasingly important impact on markets and investment dynamics.

Private investors have particular freedom in determining what they consider important, how they arrange their money, and the accountability they expect from their investment partners/organisations. 

Many individuals are moving beyond the question of 'why' they should invest sustainably, and are now focused more on 'how' to best incorporate sustainability considerations into their investments in ways that support their overall objectives.....Doing Good, Avoiding Harm and making investment returns.

Telephone us direct on 07983 486063 or email us at

Business & Corporate Planning

At pHse7en Financial planning we can help you plan your business finances in coordination with your personal finances.

Many business owners are motivated to start and build their businesses for the potential future personal financial gains it may afford and plan for business financial viability. Due to the all consuming nature of not just starting a business, but maintaining and developing it further, it is not uncommon for an owner to solely focus on their business finances and neglect their own personal finances. 

They often treat them as two different entities with assumed different priorities, and yet they are totally joined at the hip as the benefits associated with both is one and the same, them and their 'life plan'.

At pHse7en Financial planning, we can help to ensure that your business finances will be in good order along with your personal finances. The two need to be considered and amalgamated for not only cash-flow, investment, tax benefits and protection purposes, but also to help see where you are on your 'life planning journey' and what choices you have now and in the future. 

We are often asked to assist our business clients by being the conduit between their other professional advisors such as the accountant, bookkeeper, insurance broker and solicitor. These professionals play an important role in your business and personal life and ensuring proper communication and coordination between them will be critical to your long-term planning and goals.

Many business owners we speak to initially, say they have "historically avoided using a financial adviser in an attempt to reduce costs" and/or "could not see where they would add any value", but once they see how we can help them maximise the fruits of their business efforts to achieve their 'personal' life goals, this viewpoint changes. 

This is usually through a combination of 'meaningful discussions' on what is important to them (business and personal), and the many current and changing tax-efficient planning/profit extraction opportunities available to them.

Telephone us direct on 07983 486063 or email us at


pHse7en Financial Planning is a trading style of Eadon & Co Ltd which is Authorised and Regulated 

by the Financial Conduct Authority FCA. Number 816029