pHse7en Financial Planning

Complaints Procedure - Clients

Tim Eadon (Compliance Officer)
We take care to maintain high standards of service. If we are aware of client concerns or unease, we give priority to resolving the matter as quickly as possible. To assist with this process, we have prepared procedures to ensure that complaints are handled fairly and within reasonable timescales in line with the FCA’s Complaints Handling Rules (DISP 1.3). These procedures are as follows:

1. Upon receipt of a complaint a senior person, who, wherever possible, is independent of the case, will investigate the complaint.

2. You will be given the name and contact details of the person dealing with your complaint. We will aim to resolve the complaint as quickly as possible.

3. The person investigating your complaint will:

- Initiate a record and create a file of your complaint.

- Acknowledge your complaint as soon as is reasonably practicable after the receipt of your complaint. This will generally be within seven working days of receipt.

The acknowledgement may, especially in the case of an oral complaint, set out the nature of the complaint and may request further clarification if necessary. Your complaint will be investigated thoroughly using our files together with reports from other parties if relevant.

We may also write to you if further information is required.

We will keep you informed of the progress of the complaint investigation.
After eight weeks – If a final response letter has not already been sent to you, you will receive:

• A final response letter detailing our conclusions and resolution to the complaint. This letter will also confirm that if you remain dissatisfied with our final response that you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service within six months of the date of our final response letter, otherwise you would lose this referral right. A copy of the Financial Ombudsman Service leaflet ‘your complaint and the Ombudsman’ will be enclosed, if not already supplied.


• A response that we are still not in a position to make a final response, giving the reasons for the further delay and indicating when we expect to be able to provide a final response


• Informing you that you may refer your case to the Financial Ombudsman Service if you are dissatisfied with the delay. A copy of the Financial Ombudsman Service leaflet ‘your complaint and the Ombudsman’ will be enclosed, if not already supplied.

Please bear in mind that if your complaint involves information from third parties some delays could be beyond our control. We will, however, pursue information on a regular basis.

In the event that we receive a complaint that is not about us, or our services, and assuming that we can identify the firm* to whom the complaint should be addressed, we will carry out the following action:

• We will write to the firm concerned, explaining that we believe the complaint to be theirs, and suggesting that they contact the client directly.

• We will enclose a copy of the original complaint letter.

• We will write to you the client, giving contact details of the firm, and invite you to get in touch. We will also enclose a copy of the letter we send to the firm.

• We will copy the new firm in on this letter as well.

*This in effect means we will comply with the FCA Rule – DISP 1.7 (Complaints Forwarding Rules)




Financial Vulnerability Taskforce

Highly qualified and motivated professionals

pHse7en Financial Planning has signed up to ‘The Financial Vulnerability Taskforce Charter’. 

This Charter underpins the Taskforce’s work and sets out the commitments required by pHse7en Financial planning in respect of how we will work with customers/clients in vulnerable circumstances. 

This requires the use of our best endeavours to provide a service that recognises and responds to those in vulnerable circumstances, ensuring as far as is possible that they receive as good an outcome following advice as everyone else. 

We also acknowledge that as our services often involve the application of specialist and technical financial knowledge, this places many clients in a position of dependency and as such imposes upon us a greater moral duty to act in their best interests and as a ‘Safe Pair of Hands’, especially to those who find themselves in vulnerable circumstances.

Treating Customers Fairly (TCF)

Highly qualified and motivated professionals

What Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) means to our business
We are committed to ensuring our customers are treated fairly and that all members of staff understand what TCF means to our business.

This means – 

• We keep the customer at the heart of all we do 

• All staff are aware of TCF and what it means to our business 

• We review our processes and procedures 

• We carry out compliance monitoring 

• We collate and review management information 

• When we identify any issues we change and improve our processes 

• We ask our customers for feedback

This means – 

• Our financial promotions are properly targeted 

• We know our customers and can segment them for marketing purposes 

• We track new business based on our marketing

This means – 

• All communications are written in plain English 

• We respond in a timely manner to queries • We carry out file reviews to ensure our sales process has been followed 

• Our advisers have their skills and knowledge assessed 

• We ask our customers for feedback on our service

TCF Outcome 4 – ADVICE IS SUITABLE                                                  This means – 

• We fact find our customers 

• We establish what their objectives are 

• We carry out research on provider, product, funds and suitability 

• We carry out file reviews to check suitability of advice 

• We review and action any points required as a result of file reviews carried out 

• We ask our customers for feedback

This means - 

• We deliver on the agreed service with customers 

• We ensure products meet the customers requirements 

• We ensure the Provider meet expected service standards 

• We ask our customers for feedback 

• We have a complaints process 

• We take action on any matters raised as a result of a complaint

TCF Outcome 6 – NO UNREASONABLE BARRIERS                           This means -

• We deal with any customer who wants to change product or switch

• We deal with any customer who wants to claim or complain

• We ensure no unreasonable penalties are applied when a customer requests action

pHse7en Financial Planning



FernBank Business Centre, 

210 Coal Clough Lane,


Lancashire BB11 4NJ


Contact details

Mob: 07983486063



Regulatory Authority

Financial Conduct Authority


pHse7en Financial Planning is a trading style of Eadon & Co Ltd which is Authorised and Regulated 

by the Financial Conduct Authority FCA. Number 816029